The EI7MLR repeater (430.950MHz) has now changed over to tone access and
requires 156.7Hz tone. The 4m port on Mt. Leinster (70.400mHz) is off
air for maintenance and should be back on air soon.
Dues to interference problems from a digital source it has become necessary to put tone access on the EI7MLR repeater (430.950MHz) on Mount Leinster. The change over shall be made in the next few days so if you are a regular user of the repeater you should program your radio to send a 156.7Hz tone.
IRLP node 5883 which had recently been having problems with outgoing audio has now been restored to normal operation. The problem was caused by a faulty computer soundcard.
Reports to
small fault has developed in the EI7FXR repeater which doesn't allow
the TX of the CWID or courtesy tones, The repeater still functions as
normal and the problem will be sorted in the next few weeks.